This & That
"Host for online panel for Health Care Women's Business Association. December 6. 2016"
"Presenter at Stackhouse Talks at Amazon, Seattle, sponsored by Women in Digital Products Division, Amazon."
"Workshop for Women in Digital Products Division, Amazon (Private event)"
"Presentation at UX India 2015. October 5-7. Bangaluru, India. "
"Keynote for Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Annual Symposium. Seattle. September 2015"
"Presentation at the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference. April 24-25 2015. "
"Presentation to "Women & Entrepreneurship" group, for the World Council Affairs. April 13 2014 (Private)"
"Panelist: Navigating your UX Journey at women's UX networking event and co-organizer with Google & General Assembly"
"Moderator for a panel on the topic of breaking into User Experience at General Assembly, Seattle. "
"Talk given at the University of Washington, Human Computer Design Engineering Seminar Series. January 2015 [Video]"
"Moderator for UX panel on Everything Portfolio for the Human Computer Design Engineering Graduate Student Affairs. January, 2015"
"Speaker at a women's social event at 'With She Hour' for women in the Shopping Channels Division. January, 2015 (Private)"
"Mini-workshop for Women in Informatics. University of Washington. The importance of paying attention to physical presence in being seen as a leader. "
"Online webinar for the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services. October 29th, 2014"
"January - February Interactions 2014."
"Co-founder for a unique online summit for the career development of UX Professionals. May 2014"
"Presentation as part of the Stanford University Human Computer Interaction Seminar Series."